Diet to lose belly fat

Diet to lose belly fat

Before the modern age human used to do all of his tasks by their own. But due to advanced technology, Machines are doing most of tasks. Which were earlier done by the man physically. Moreover, sedentary life style also creating mental and physical issues for all classes. However, the most problematic thing for man is increase of body fats, especially at belly, hips, and inside the stomach. This thing is not only socially creates embarrassment but also generates health issues. To cope with this problem we have already published a post namely Tips for reducing stomach or to lose belly fat In addition to this, we are presenting another plan to reduce your belly to a standard and acceptable size. Diet to lose belly fat naturally is a plan for you to reduce your belly. There is solution and cure for most of the issues in nature. One of the best tips to stay healthy is get closer to nature.

Best foods to lose belly fat

There are number of foods that can help. Use these fruits and vegetables at-least once in week. Try to eat simple and homemade food. Coupled with food find time to take exercise daily. If time constraints for you then its better to take exercise three to four days. Stay connected with your relations. Avoid junk foods. Prefer home made diets. Stay away from hotelling. However, continuity is important thing for reduction of belly.

Once, you have started your plan. Then do not quit until you have found reasonable reduction in your fat. Besides this diet plan and exercise, necessary thing is to avoid fatty foods. On contrary if you are not leaving junk food. And sedentary life style is also your habit. Then no one can alter your situation.

What not to eat to lose belly fat

Here are foods that you should take as much as possible for reduction of stomach and belly fats.

Almond: rich source of vitamins particularly Vitamin E. Nutritionist suggest to eat one gram almond daily. It is best agent to reduce fats.


Avocado: Best fruit for fats reduction. Moreover, a source of large groups of vitamins.


Apple: Is an universally accepted best fruit. Keep eating apple to get more iron and vitamins for your body. Besides, this a good source to lose weight and ultimately fats.

Cayenne pepper: One of the best items to reduce your fat. It also stimulate metabolism.


Leafy green: Research shows that this food group is a good source of iron and calcium. It also helps to reduce weight.

Lemon: Only lemon is one of the best agent to reduce fats and weight. Use it in green tea and with other foods to get more and more calcium and vitamin C.


Quinoa: It abounds magnesium, calcium and iron. It fulfills your carbohydrates level.


Rolled Oats: It reduces cholesterol and fats. Its better to use daily.


Salmon: My favourite dish i usually eat once in a week. Very helpful to meet your calories demand. Lessen your cholesterol level. Thus a reducing agent for fats and cholesterol.



Whole Egg: Good source of vitamin A, B and C. Heart patients may avoid yolk while it is a good for all.

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