Hair Care Tips | Homemade hair Conditioner

Hair Care Tips , How to make best hair care products at Home:

Hair Care Tips

There are so many  ingredients in our kitchens , which we can use to make homemade conditioner, these conditioners are  not only cheaper, but also chemical-free. These hair conditioner  provide a better safety after shampoo to make the hair shiny and beautiful, conditioner also make hair soft.these conditioner’s tips for both men and women.

Home made milk and banana conditioner for dry hair:

Things are required;

  1. A cup of milk
  2. One banana
  3. A teaspoon of olive oil
  • Method:
    Mix all the ingredients to form a paste.Wet hair with warm water. Put the paste on the hands Apply and you can used comb as well to apply conditioner on your hair, but keep in mind used  comb in your hair’s length direction  paste should apply on all sides of all hair.After applying paste cover your head with hair cap,Then  after twenty minutes shampoo your hair ,and remove all paste for hair.

Most easy conditioner tip for dye hair:

Things are required;

  1. Two cups of water
  2. Half a cup of apple vinegar
  • Method:

Mix all the ingredients well and put in a Bottle Massage in the roots of the hair for a few minutes and then shampoo your hair.Its will make your hair soft and silky and also maintain dye hair color.

Best Hair conditioner for hair made with honey:

Things are required;

  1. One egg
  2. A teaspoon of honey
  3. Three to four drops of olive oil
  • Method:
    Mix all the ingredients well ,Then paste it on your hair  do massage with light hands  and after twenty minutes massage wash your hair.

Mint Hair conditioner:

Things are required;

  • Method:
    Take A few leaves of mint in two or  three cups of water and boil it  and let cool, then strain the water.and massage it on your hair.After shampoo your hair wash with water.

Deep conditioner made by Avocado:

hair tips for men778

Things are required;

  1.   half Avocado meshed
  2. ½ teaspoon olive oil
  3. Three drops of rosemary oil
  • Method:

Mix all ingredients and apply on the hair from forehead to end of hair ,Keep it on  your hair at least ten minutes and then wash with water.It will make your hair extra shine and healthy.

3 thoughts on “Hair Care Tips | Homemade hair Conditioner”

  1. Pingback: Tips to get rid of dry skin | Home remedies for dry skin | Tips & Quiz

  2. healthystylish

    oily hair will give you the useful naturally and soft. so that you can have amazing hair. Taking good care of oily hair is very much important so tips can available at this site

  3. This article about hair care tips is really interesting to read, with each point showing good knowledge. Each point is explained with a method and all the requirements needed for it, this shows how simple these hair conditioning methods are. Overall, this article will provide many benefits for all women who need hair care advice.

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