How To Get Rid Of Face Acne | Tips For removing Acne

Top Home Remedies For Get Rid Of Face Acne :

Mostly people use creams to remove pimples and acne but  there are chemicals in these products, which can damage the skin .So, It is better to take advantage of natural things.Get Rid Of Face Acne following these tips. Please give us feed to get rid from ance

There are many easy and simple ways to remove acne from face by using things which are available in home.

How to use Cucumber for removing Acne:

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Take a cucumber juice  and Apply this juice on face twice in a week  for ten to twelve minutes and then will give a freshness and add beauty on your skin.It is also effective to get beautiful and clean skin naturally.

How to use Aloe Vera for reducing acne:


how to get rid from acne

To reduce acne , apply  aloe  vera   gel on the face twice a day at morning and night for one week , Aloe     vera gel is very useful for the skin and it will be given to help eliminate acne and it will make your skin fresh.


Egg White for Acne:



   Egg White is also effective for removing spots from skin .If egg white used as facial mask to remove spots and stains, it is extremely helpful. With the help of cotton or fingers Apply egg white on the face and wash after ten minutes. Egg White  has quality  to control the oil on the skin.

How to use Tooth Paste to remove Acne:

how to get rid of acne

Acne not only damage the skin but also become a source of  mental suffering. When you see acne on your face easy tip for you that put some  put toothpaste on it, leave for the night and in the morning wash away. Toothpaste  will give enough help to heal.

Honey is best for Acne:

how to get rid of acne

To get rid of acne one simple remedy is to apply  this mixture on face ,Take one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of yogurt mix it well and apply the paste on the face  for all night.It will give you Better result.Honey and lemon juice mixture is also good for oily skin.take one spoon of lemon juice and take honey in same quantity and after cleansing your face apply this mixture for 15 to 20 minutes on your face and neck,then wash it off with clod water.

Milk And Gram Flour :

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Use gram flour and milk mixture as face wash ,it is very effective for acne.Gram flour is rich in vitamin A,C and protein .It is very good for oily skin.

Curd And Gram Flour :

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Make mixture of curd and gram flour,Add one spoon of crud and two spoon of gram flour mix it well then add two drops of lemon,apply it on your face for 25 to 35 minutes After this,make wet your hands with warm water and rub softly and remove all mixture.It is good for acne for oily skin .

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