Health Tips For Kids | Healthy Living for kids

Health Tips For Kids

Health Tips For Kids Children inherited healthy nutritional habits  from their parents .Here are some Healthy  tips to  maintain and improve children’s health ,following  list  has some useful tips which will help you great.

10 Healthy and Simple Tips For children’s health:

1-Make sure that every day  your child gets enough sleep according to his\her age. Children’s  needs sleep about 10 hours each night. Pre-school children is also beneficial to sleep in the afternoon. Learn more about how to get good sleep.
2-Give food at proper time to your child it will develop good eating habits in them.

3-Avoid  junk food as much as you can ,because it is not good food for your child. Carbonated drinks and fatty foods ,and such kind calories less food only created fat and  health problems.

4-Make sure Your children must  play some time every day on the street\ground ,means some walking games should must play.
5-Regular exercise in the sports section must be added. This will help children to  stay healthy.
6-Keep children away from smokers and unhealthy environment.  Smoking can create  asthma and other respiratory diseases in your children.
7-Make sure this that,,After eating Children always take a  little walk, before eating, after using the toilet, wash your hands.
8-Properly treat infections cuts and scrapes.
9-Your should visit to a pediatrician  and recommended vaccine.
10-Ask the children to pronounce difficult different words . Learn verses,poems and stories. This will help  to develop memory.

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