Beauty and makeup tips and tricks

Beauty and makeup tips and tricks

Beauty and makeup tips and tricks are given for your enhancement of beauty and to save your time. As one of the difficult task is to manage beauty and find time to visit a beautician. Daily hustle and bustle of life leaves no time for us to think about our body and beauty. We are presenting top tips and tricks for maintaining beauty and making make up at your own.

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It is recommended that in summer season do not go bare headed and with out cover under the sunshine. Use umbrella and sun blocker to avoid harmful affects for your skin. As Hot weather not only damage your skin but also makes your skin black and dull. Therefore it is very important to cover yourself while working and travelling in sunny days.

As far as diet is concerned for your body and health, Take seasonal vegetable and fruits. Avoid junk food and juices. Use fresh and home made juices.

Beauty tips for face glow

Here some home made tips are  for facial beauty take this as Beauty and makeup tips and tricks for your daily make up and beauty schedule:

Beauty and makeup tips and tricks





  • Make grinned paste of wet Red gram and make mixture of paste and milk. Apply paste for 15 to 20 minutes on your face. Practice this daily and it will enhance your skin glow and will open your pores.
  • Prepare a paste having ingredient of 10 number of almond, one table spoon each of  turmeric and rice, apply this on your face.
  • Boil Turnip & Carrot and massage both on your hands and skin for beauty for half an hour, it will clean your skin.
  •   Cucumber  paste is best for facial beauty. It is commonly used for all beautician. Grind a Cucumber  and add one egg, one table spoon each of honey and some leaves of mind, apply this paste on your face excluding eyes. it will augment your facial glow and beauty.

Home remedies for pimple and acne

  • Apply juice of cucumber or tomato and mint once in a day it will clear your skin.
  • To get rid from acne, pimple and other bumps on face. Apply paste of apple, honey and milk as per desired quantity on your face.
  •  Roll a piece of ice enveloped in a cloth on your face to heal your face.

Beauty tips for lips

Beauty and makeup tips and tricks for face have been mentioned above. Now some Beauty tips for lips are as under:


Beauty and makeup tips and tricks


  • Before going to sleep. Apply almond, olive oil on your lips. It will keep your lips soft and clean.
  • Use of almond and olive oil with honey is best for lips beauty.
  • Rose juice and glycerin are also beneficial for lips.
  • To change the black colour of lips apply grapes juice with milk on your lips. This will change your black colour of lips.
  • Milk cream is also helpful for lips beauty.

You can find some more related posts about beauty on our web:

Tips To Make Face Fresh Naturally | Beauty Tips for Face 

Cucumber benefits beauty tips for skin and eyes

Home made face masks for glowing skin

10 Top tips to keep face fresh and clean for Men Women

How To Get Rid Of Face Acne | Tips For removing Acne




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