Tips to get rid of dry skin | Home remedies for dry skin

Home remedies for dry skin

Skin types:

There are several kinds of skin including NORMAL SKIN, AGEING SKIN, SENSITIVE SKIN and DRY  SKINS etc. DRY skin may be categorized into DRY SKIN and IRRITATED DRY SKIN, as To protect your skin before it is important to know your skin type. The outlines of the skin, changes according to season and location. We are strongly both heat and cold. The effects on the skin, however, we found you normally would tell about skin types.

Causes of Dry Skin:
tips for dry skin

 Dry skin usually from childhood, are stiff and lifeless. In the winter, especially dry skin, become more lifeless  rough, white thin layer of dryness change in form of cracks. Sometimes the white dry spots appear or become so dry that he is injured and has been at the gym scratching. The first reason is lack of water. Born people who have this problem. They can get the disease from mother’s womb. In most European countries mostly skins are dry .You should do some before It became  very bad and too much dry that its changed in a regular form of the disease says Eczema.

Best Tips For Dry Skin Care:

  1. Drinking water  is very important for those whose skin are dry, at least eight to ten glass of water should drink in a day.
  2.  People with such skin are mostly effects early  from  the weather affects and changes.They should use skin creams and medications that keep them be saved from the effects of heat and cold. For this, they  should must used dry skin sun block .
  3. Do not use too much soap on your face, The freshness of the skin  removed by frequently use of soap .
  4.  Eating salads, Drink green leafy vegetables soups more and Eat in excessive amounts.
  5. Used lemon with water it is best to  complete the deficiency of vitamin C.
  6. After bath or wash your face Do not clean the mouth by rubbing it,must used some moisture on the face.
  7. Use light cream  in the presence of moisture on the face.
  8. Used any clod cream must at night or any lotion at night.
  9. Avoid sitting in the sun too long.
  10. Eat healthy food.

How to chose Best cream for dry skin:

· Use clod or oily cream on your face daily.
·Massage your face with  Double Action Cream..
·You can used Vitamin E capsules for massage.
· Glsyryn almond oil, lotion  are best for dry skin.
· Honey and almonds Masks are excellent for the skin Egg yolk and honey are also used as a masks.

Best home made creams for itching and dryness on body and face

Best homemade scrub for skin dryness

    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 2 tablespoons condensed milk
    • ½ cup granulated sugar, mix all well and make scrub. Do massage of this scrub on body and face before bath. In a few days you will notice a big difference on your skin. Scrub can be saved if you keep it in the fridge, but don’t used if milk became sour.

Honey Mask for Dry skin

  • Due to its numerous qualities, honey is considered  best for dryness and itching .
  • 1 teaspoon of egg yolk,
  • milk
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • . Apply the paste on your face for fifteen minutes.
  • Fruit Tea bags for dry skin freshness:

  • tips for dry skin876

  • To keep your skin fresh take 2 fruit tea bag of your choice and put them in a cup of boiled water until the water is cold, then add two teaspoons Hazel.  Mixture is ready put in  a bottle,keep it in the fridge . So, when you feel itchy or dryness  soaked  cotton ball in this mixture and apply on the affected part of the body. You can put it in a spray bottle ,can use the Moisturizer when you needed.
  • Easy and simple home tip for dry skin:

  •  To get rid from skin dryness and body itchiness you  can get things  from your kitchen,which are easily available at home.Yogurt is an excellent cleanser removed dryness and helps to make skin soft.
  • 3 tablespoons of the yogurt
  • Half  cup of papaya paste

mix both well and apply on your skin and wash after fifteen minutes.

Most effective tips for Dry and rough lips:

Lips are an important part of our face can not be ignored, more beautiful smile adds charm to the face. But  dry and rough lips can less the attractiveness of your  face ,specially in the winter requires more care because the cold weather affects them badly.

1. Honey and sugar (which is enough to cover your lips ) mix and rub on the lips and leave for five minutes and then likewise make clear. Honey is the best thing for soft lips.
2. Massage vegetable butter  on the lips and a apply a layer of butter on the lips leave for the night.
3. 1 teaspoon glycerin and mix a few drops of fresh milk in it for over night.

Home Remedies for dry feet:

Due to  dry weather feet became dry. By following  tips your feet  can make  soft.

  • Half a cup of mustard oil in the pan and add half a teaspoon of the hot wax until the wax melted and the mixture becomes creamy. Now add in a jar. At night before going to bed, wash your feet well and put cream on my feet,wear socks . In the morning, wash the feet .

Dry skin and Home Remedies:

  • If you have dry skin, avoiding the prescription is very useful. It will make refreshing your skin in one week.
  • Three to four lemon glycerin four large spoon One-third cup of almond oil Four to six teaspoons olive oil Mix all and put in a bottle and use while sleeping at night. Yogurt with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey and apply them.Used it for one week.
  • To refresh dry skin, use this recipe. Rose petals (ground) Clay Honey Cream or yogurt Mix all  these things and used as mask on the face for ten minutes and apply daily for best results, you can add the almond oil 
  • Take 1 cup cream  mix it from the electric mixture until it becomes soft. Massage it with Light hands on the skin. After ten to fifteen minutes take a bath.
  • Ingredients you required;
    Ball Flower 1/4 kg
    20 Tablespoons glycerin
    Four tablespoons rose water
    Two cloves
    1 cup of alpha hydroxy cream
  • Preparing Method;

First of all clean your face with rose water.
Then the ball flowers, glycerin, rose water, clove and alpha hydroxy cream, mix well.
Apply on your face and body .
Your face will be cleaned and skin will also refresh.

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