Benefits of carrots Fruits for good health

Fruits for good health | Healthy Diet

When You eat different vegetables,you should aware with their benefits. Mostly only eat meat and does not like to eat vegetables , but latest food  research has proved that eating vegetables  is very useful,and it keep balanced  in our body and vegetables can also be used for beauty of skin and body .

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Fresh fruit and vegetables good  for human health, the most important gift of nature, use them to defend against many diseases in the human body and gives to our the body vitamin A, which is good for bone and muscle.Nutritional experts believe that during the breakfast cereal bowls, banana, peach or apricot can  be added. Similarly,juice from any fruit or vegetable juice is very beneficial.

According to nutritional experts vegetables are very important for human health as cucumber, carrots, radishes, beets and salad leaves .

Benefits of carrots

  •  Carrots  salty components keep human body blood clean.It is useful for the development of the body as well as helpful for  the  produces acidic in body.
  • Carrot juice is also best for both children and adults.
  • Carrot juice is consider  healthy  for eyes.
  • To  Keep the skin fresh carrots are very helpful.
  •  After eating carrots its  chewing pieces are good  for  mouth ‘s bacteria they killed them.
  • Stops bleeding gums and reduce tooth germs decay in mouth.
  • Carrot tract is helpful to remove the drawbacks.
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  •  Used of carrots prevents stomach ulcers and  keep saved from other digestive diseases.
  • It is effective in many diseases of Small and large intestine .
  • Mix Carrot juice with spinach juice ,it is  good  for  stomach and intestines are clean.
  • Carrot juice is good in  diarrhea and complete the lack of water and salts in body.
  • Carrot juice  is also great for stomach worms .
  • Carrots can be used in various ways, such as by boiling, as salads, cooked or as juice,in all ways it is good for health.


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