Best Health Tips Ever for your healthy Life

Best Health Tips

Here are some very useful and important Best Health Tips for your daily life. these tips will bring very positive change in your life.

Best Health TipsLatest Health Tips According To Health ‘s Experts:

  • According to a Journal of the American College of Cardiology much enthusiasm in jogging or  extra running is equivalent to not  wearing your shoes.
  • Scientists in the 12 years observed  1000 healthy people who reviewed walk and jogging.
    The research  result is that two and a half hours less a week is best for running health.
  • It is   recommended that Young people in the UK should  exercise 150 minutes per week.
  • The Danish study also asked participants to note that every time he Jogging for how long and when. And also do  some question about his health.
  • Scientists came to the conclusion that the five-mile run every hour for the jogging speed, and extra jogging is not good for health.
  • The study reviewed recent studies have found that  extra exercise or jogging can harms the heart.
  • Maureen Talbot, senior cardiac nurse of the British Heart Foundation said: “This research shows that to light jogging is good for your health and your life is too long.
  • So take balance,as balance is the beauty of life:-)

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