Study tips for maths

study tips for maths

Study tips for maths

Mathematics is one of the subjects, which is annoying for most of the students. But due to advancement in science and link of maths with every science subjects, one have to study at-least once through out their educational career. But if teachers and parents properly guide the students and encourage them, then maths become no more difficult for their studies. Here “Study tips for maths” are given for replacing the job of  parents and respected teachers for providing and posting most essential study tips and techniques for maths students. These techniques are result of extensive experience and research made by my colleagues and maths teachers. At first glance its looks simple but these are worth-full if attained and regularly applied in the study time. Teachers and parents can also opt these skills for maths study for their kids. These are the skills for all level of maths learner.

Understanding maths formulas

Do not rote the formulas, try to under stand the formulae and learn the basic concept of formulas. Don not hesitate to consult your teacher and fellows if you find any difficulty in the learning of formulas. Formulas of the Maths are building blocks of learning, concentrate on basic formulas and improve your grades.

Make a list of theorems and formulas

The best way, to memorize formulas & theorems, is to make a hand made list of all formulas and keep this list always in your pocket. When ever you find a free time just open the list and read it again and again, you will find that even most difficult formulas will be learnt by this practice.

Practice maths

The key to Maths learning is Practice, Practice and Practice. As practice makes the man perfect and if you need perfection mathematics then practice a lot. First write the solution of problem on paper by copying it, in second and third attempt try to solve it by yourself.

Avoid mistakes and common errors

While practicing and solving maths problem note down your mistakes and errors, and try to avoid them in next session, fixing such errors will enable you to have a grip on that topic. Usually in most of maths problems, wrong formula/theorem is used, calculation is done wrongly and method is not followed correctly. So avoid these mistakes to learn maths.

Most common maths errors made by students

  • Quoting wrong formula.
  • Applying of irrelevant theorem.
  • Not following the proper method/procedure.
  • Solving in hurry as haste makes waste.
  • Hunting for answers not concentrating on particular problem and method.
  • Most of the maths problems in exams are changed by the examiners so hunting for answers lead you to failure.
  • Do not copy.
  • Often there is mistake in calculation.
  • while solving problems of logarithm, geometry quote values of log table and trigonometric ratios with great care.
  • Do not rely on calculator, use it as a tool not as a tutor.
  • Solve the problem first in exams  which  you can efficiently do.

Give attention to your errors and review your mistakes

Once you have find mistakes and errors in your maths problem, then fix and correct them in all of your notes and revise them again and again.

Make your own notes and keys

It is best habit to makes notes and relevant material in your own writing. Your brain then effectively make the back up of your own written stuff, rather copied stuff. Your notes will be helpful for exams as well as later in the life.

Do not rote maths problems

The real problem in learning maths is most of students try to rote the theorem, formula and problem, this is bad practice which often leads to failure. Just memorize and understand the key points of the maths.

Make your concepts clear

In every maths problem and formula there is hidden story and point just grab it and focus how the next line and step is being generated from previous step. While making your concept clear will surely help you to get good marks.

Consult your teacher

Do not hesitate to contact your maths teacher. Meet your teacher even for a minor problem, it will be very helpful for you.

Solve questions repeatedly |Practice as much you can

Practice and repetition for maths problem is one of the necessary key of success. So be patience while maths learning and solve each problem as many times you can solve.

Keep a mathematics dictionary

A good maths dictionary will surely trouble shoot your smaller and bigger problems. It will give you a quick access to formulas, theorems, definitions and mathematical terms.

Do not rush be patience

You cant become perfect in maths in a single day or even in weeks you have to struggle hard and be patience to reach the climax.

On this web you can also find study tips as:

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